6th Convention - 2020
The Ibiza Tourist Housing Association (AVAT) is organising, with the support of the Consell d'Eivissa and PIMEEF, the VI edition of the Ibiza Tourist Housing Congress, which will be held next Tuesday, 17th November, at the Consell d'Eivissa headquarters.
The Congress, which will have a very limited capacity due to current restrictions, can be followed online on AVAT's website, PIMEEF's Youtube account and PIMEEF's Facebook account. All presentations and debates will be recorded and posted on the AVAT website once the congress is over. The presentations will deal with the Covid protocols in tourist homes, insurance and contracts in a situation as changing as the one we are living in and the trends in the sector.
In this special edition, an attractive and topical programme has been prepared to meet the needs of holiday home owners and marketing agencies in order to face a very changing and complex situation due to the SARS-CoV-2 crisis.
AVAT, the Association of Holiday Dwellings of Ibiza, has been organising this meeting since 2015, with the support of the Petita i Mitjana Empresa d'Eivissa i Formentera (PIMEEF) and the Consell d'Eivissa, and with the academic coordination of Dr. Juan Franch Fluxà, from the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB).
Anyone interested in the congress will be able to log on to any of the aforementioned links next Tuesday and also ask questions of the speakers via social networks.