AVAT joins the concern about the loss of family tourism

Press release from the Tourist Housing Association.
The Association of Tourist Holiday Homes of Ibiza (AVAT) joins the concern shown by PIMEEF (in which it is a member) and by the Consell d'Eivissa once the data presented by the Tourist Intelligence System regarding the loss (on the other hand already known) of family tourism and the reduction in the average stay that this entails.
At AVAT we want to remember, and highlight again, that the tourist housing that we represent (regulated single-family housing) is, in general, accommodation intended for family tourism that presents demand characteristics that favor an increase in average stays, in addition to generate a higher expenditure per visitor and that has a direct impact on different sectors of complementary activity.
This family tourism presents, as we mentioned, much longer stays than “leisure” tourism and is usually represented by families of all purchasing levels who demand a wide variety of complementary services. It is well known that many of the hotels on the island have been converted into “adults only” hotels in a clear example of where the tourist offer in Ibiza is heading and, consequently, reducing the accommodation option for families, who have traditionally represented a very important part of the demand that Ibiza had.
We also want to remember the importance that the vacation home sector had in the years of the pandemic, proving to be one of the engines of the Ibizan economy and allowing the rapid reactivation of tourism on the island.
For all these arguments and the great demand that our sector has as part of the accommodation offer, we ask the institutions that the holiday housing sector be taken into account in the promotions made to recover family tourism.
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