Presentation of the 3rd Ibiza Tourist Housing Convention
During the two days, various highly interesting presentations will be held in which experts from different areas of the tourism sector from the university, the administration and the private sector will meet to discuss the economic, legal, social and territorial aspects associated with the phenomenon of holiday homes in general and in Ibiza in particular.
Online marketing, the collaborative economy, unfair competition, fraud, the effects on the tourist destination and the effects on the island's economy will be some of the main themes of the debates.
Ángel Mesado, head of public affairs at Airbnb; Joseba Cortázar, director of communications at HomeAway in Spain and Portugal, and Pilar Canedo, advisor to the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) will be some of the speakers at the congress.
The phenomenon of holiday homes is still at the centre of public and political debate, as the Balearic Islands Tourism Law was amended this summer, which directly affects the marketing of stays in homes, preventing the marketing of multi-family dwellings for the time being. A round table discussion will also be held with the participation of the island's five town councils to present their vision of the future and explain their zoning projects required by the Balearic Government and the Consell d'Eivissa.
The event is organised by the Tourist Housing Association (AVAT) and the Petita i Mitjana Empresa d'Eivissa i Formentera (PIMEEF). The event is sponsored by the Consell d'Eivissa and CaixaBank, while scientific coordination of the event is the responsibility of the Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB), headed by Professor Juan Franch Fluxà.